So there was this situation where someone was harassing us and I was sure I knew who it was. I was absolutely positive. Just one problem. I was absolutely wrong!
This harassment had started several months ago and continued until this week. I had pretty much figured out who had done this, or so I had thought. Things turned an unusual corner when the real culprit, heavy under the conviction of the Lord, confessed to me what they had done, and asked for my forgiveness.
Though I muck things up frequently, He was with me in power today. I forgave this individual and explained to them how I can forgive because Jesus first forgave me. I can’t withhold from someone else what God freely gave me, His love and forgiveness. So I guess, if it brings this person closer to Jesus, it was worth it! Surely one soul is worth a little suffering.
Beyond the lesson of enduring a little suffering for Christ’s sake, I also learned a valuable lesson through this situation. No matter how guilty we think someone may be when we think we have it all figured out… we can be completely 100% wrong! Not only that, but were we not all guilty before Christ paid for our sins?
There are situations where we must assess situations and motives, where we must make decisions based on wisdom. But when it comes to Judgment, that should be left to the Lord, for He is the only righteous judge.
I called the person I had accused of this harassment, hard as it was, to tell them that I found out who was really responsible and that I was sorry I accused them and that I hopped they would forgive me for any pain and distress I caused. It was an honest mistake, but still a mistake
I thank God that he put a check in my spirit and restrained me from doing what my flesh wanted, something that would be destructive to the future healing of the relationship. Once again, God saves the day and takes what the enemy meant for evil, and turned into a learning experience for all.
We made it!
4 years ago
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