Thursday, October 8, 2009
Please forgive me, God's not finished with me yet
This harassment had started several months ago and continued until this week. I had pretty much figured out who had done this, or so I had thought. Things turned an unusual corner when the real culprit, heavy under the conviction of the Lord, confessed to me what they had done, and asked for my forgiveness.
Though I muck things up frequently, He was with me in power today. I forgave this individual and explained to them how I can forgive because Jesus first forgave me. I can’t withhold from someone else what God freely gave me, His love and forgiveness. So I guess, if it brings this person closer to Jesus, it was worth it! Surely one soul is worth a little suffering.
Beyond the lesson of enduring a little suffering for Christ’s sake, I also learned a valuable lesson through this situation. No matter how guilty we think someone may be when we think we have it all figured out… we can be completely 100% wrong! Not only that, but were we not all guilty before Christ paid for our sins?
There are situations where we must assess situations and motives, where we must make decisions based on wisdom. But when it comes to Judgment, that should be left to the Lord, for He is the only righteous judge.
I called the person I had accused of this harassment, hard as it was, to tell them that I found out who was really responsible and that I was sorry I accused them and that I hopped they would forgive me for any pain and distress I caused. It was an honest mistake, but still a mistake
I thank God that he put a check in my spirit and restrained me from doing what my flesh wanted, something that would be destructive to the future healing of the relationship. Once again, God saves the day and takes what the enemy meant for evil, and turned into a learning experience for all.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Aragorn or Anakin?
Both these characters came to a critical juncture, a crossroads where they had to make a choice. That choice changed their lives foreseer, everything hinged on it for good or evil, for magnificents or mediocrity. In many ways this summer was one of those crossroads for me.
I could feel God’s calling on my life, but it just seem so hard to follow Him at times, that I just wanted to give up, throw in the towel. It was never any one major thing, but it was a whole host of mosquito size problems that wore me down. Things breaking, work, issues with kids, fatigue, spiritual attacks, etc, etc. Many times I felt completely alone. I felt like there was no one who understood.
Still through it all God was with me, patient, loving and guiding. Even in those times I felt alone, I look back and see that He was with me. Now I know who I am and I see the work God is doing in me and the work that He will do through me. I will choose to be Aragorn, which is to say that I will obediently seize the destiny God lays before me and what ever end that leads to. To give up is to completely fail. That will not be my path. I choose to risk failure, rather than to fail surely by not trying at all. God came through for me and made me able to choose the better path.
As God led me out of the wilderness this summer, I realized that much of what I had been experiencing was an assignment of the enemy against me to prevent me from taking up the task the Lord set’s before me now. He knew, and it scared him to death and then as now, the enemy tries to prevent me from reaching my goal. But he will not succeed, for I already know how the story ends. The bible tells us the Satan will be defeated in the end. The God of peace will soon crush Satan underneath your feet!
There for I will draw my breath, my bread, indeed all that I am and have from Jesus Christ, and that makes all the difference.
I post this for all to see, for I know I am not really alone in experiencing these kinds of things. I hope that this will encourage you to press into the Lord further, seek him wholeheartedly and seize His destiny for you. The enemy oppresses you because he hates you and fears you. Realize however, he has no real power over you so long as you keep your eyes on Jesus. We all have a part to play in God’s plan, don’t let the enemy take you out! God wants you for his army!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
The Stupid Things we do because of Fear!
I mean think about it, think of all the stupid things humans have done because of fear. Fear of loosing your job, fear of people, fear of not being liked, fear of some crisis, etc. The list goes on and on.
I know this lady, she is afraid of losing her job. So, she ends up being a real horses you know what and being a general jerk to coworkers... because of fear.
We have all seen examples of people how are afraid of not being liked and given into drugs, sex or alcohol and end up destroying their lives... because of fear.
And even myself, I know that I have failed to step up at times and confront messy situation due to a fear of what others would think or how they would act... because of fear.
The bible tells us that God did not give us a spirit of fear. So I encourage you and myself, not to give in to fear, but simply trust in Him who gives us the authority of the prince of fear and his minions, for if we belong to Jesus, we have NOTHING to fear. Amen. Lord help me to live this out.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Summer Star Gazing

Monday, May 25, 2009
8 Years to the day...
So on this day, eight years later, while I rejoice in the four children God has blessed us with here, and revel in their exploits as we watch them grow, I look forward to that day when our whole family can be reunited, when Ezri can meet Ezri's three brothers and sister. What a day that will be as we rejoice at the feet of our King.
God bless you everyone, and God bless you Ezri. No daddy still has not forgotten you. Not now, not ever.
Saturday, May 9, 2009
How Should the Church as a Fellowship Give?
Well, at some point some dear friends of ours in that Sunday school encountered a financial hardship. They were a single income family at the time and money was tight. Then their central AC went out. The word from the HVAC man was that it needed to be replaced, and they did not have the money to fix it. On top of that, this happened during a particularly hot and sticky summer.
Our group decided to bless this family, which had been a member of our little fellowship for years. We were all going to contribute to a pot and give them enough money to pay for a significant portion of a new AC unit. Then the "Church" got involved. By church, I mean the corporation, the official 501c3 incorporated church. Someone in church leadership got wind of the situation and insisted that this gift could not come directly from those who gave, but had to come from through the organization which was the church, (not to be confused with what I believe the church is really supposed to be, a fellowship of believers). On top of that, they said we could not just give the money to them, we had to pay it directly to the AC company. What complicated this more was the fact that by the bureaucracy which was the church office got it's act together, this family who had been sweltering in the heat for months now, finally just purchased a new AC unit on credit. In end we were able to convince the powers that be in this church to give the money directly to the family so they could pay off the credit they used to purchase the AC.
The point of all this is that we did not see ourselves so much as duty bound members of this particular church as much as we were just a fellowship of believers who cared for one another and wanted to just spontaneously through the Spirit, to bless this family. The corporate church, (as in corporation) butted into the situation and I feel, stifled the spirit and delayed God's blessing and provision for this family.
My analysis of this behavior in retrospect is that this was about control. It seemed like church leadership was afraid that we might do it wrong and that we did not go through them. We weren't trying to use church funds, or use any resource of the church, but because we were all belonging to this Sunday school, which was in this church, they felt we needed to submit to their authority on this matter. Now we did submit, to honor the Lord, not to honor men, but I feel God was grieved by the way the bureaucracy intruded into this situation.
This all seems to come out of three things, religiosity, (read Pharisees), a spirit of control, and a substantial fear that they laity might do it wrong, and I suppose by extension, that the leadership would some how be held responsible by God or men. Now I totally agree whether it's our personal finances, or a church’s, that we have an obligation and duty to spend our money wisely and not just throw it away. However, I think we can go too far in defining rules and regulations, where we offer the Spirit no room to work. Yes, we don't want to give money to the drug addict we know is going to go use it to by cocaine, that's just common sense. But what about the poor family down the road? Do we not give to them because they might buy a big Mac instead of fruits and veggies at the supermarket?
This leads to my next point. The bible tells us we are to be generous an give hilariously. Now if I give $50 to a beggar, whose money is it, mine, the beggars, or God's? Whose responsibility is it what the beggar does with that money? If God told me to give it to him, it's God's responsibility, meaning that this frees me from the need to control it or force the beggar to purchase only church approved items. At that point, what the beggar does with the money becomes an issue between him and God. Sometimes I think we take on more responsibility than we should on these items, ours is only to obey. So how do we give to others in a responsible way,... through the Spirit! If we are one with Christ, we are also one with the Father and the Spirit, and can know His will. Therefore, if we give according to the Spirit's leading, we can never go wrong.
In conclusion, I would say, yes we need some general guidelines on giving, so people basically know where the boundaries are and what's appropriate. That being said, those guidelines should not be so rigid that the Lord can't use us to do something we think is ridiculous, but in reality is at the bulls eye of what God wants to do.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Etwal Gade - Star Watching

Monday, January 12, 2009
Painting for an audiance of One
Recently a member of the fellowship we are a part of gave everyone at our home meeting a book written by a young artist named Akiane and her mother. She began painting at a very young age and has what I call a miraculous ability to draw and paint. You can see some of her work and read a bit about her story at I found as I read her life story so far, and viewed her painting that something inside me stirred. Something I had almost forgotten about.
Where the dried paint is...
Many of those who know me may not know this, but I used to paint. Seriously. Now don't get me wrong, my ability is no where near what I would call professional, no one would sell any of my paintings for even a 100 dollars much less thousands, but paint I did. I love to create, and painting was one of those outlets for me. And then life happened, got busy, moved on to other things. Sitting somewhere in the garage was a box with some old tubes of paint and some brushes.
The more I read about Akiane's story, I began to wonder where my old brushes were. I began to be drawn to paint again. Now, I am not kidding my self, you will probably never see my work at an art show or at a museum, or pay lots of money for it, but I felt drawn (pardon the pun) to paint, and began to feel that this was at the Lord's leading. As the fire welled up within me, I felt I just had to find my brushes. I tore my garage apart for some time, totally disorganizing it, until I found them, long forgotten until now.
Painting for an Audience of One...
So with my feeble skill, I paint for an audience of one. For it was He who gave me hands to hold the brush, it was He who gave me a mind to perceive beauty, and it was He who provided the inspiration to paint in a hundred sunsets and thousands of glistening ocean waves. I feel that for me, I must paint and I must paint for Him, to bring him glory in what ever small way I can, and because it was He who put this desire in me.
Out of the Mouths of Babes...
Today I went to the store and bought a few more colors (to replace some of the one's dried out) and a few new brushes. I brought them home tonight and my children were very excited and wanted desperately to watch daddy paint. Especially my second born. In passing I had mentioned that I felt God was leading me to paint again, but I did not make a big point of it. I did not promise to paint tonight, and had not really meant to paint tonight. But for some reason my big "bug bug", got it set in his mind that daddy was going to paint tonight. Well I was busy and it came time for bedtime, I told him he could watch me paint tomorrow. He immediately burst into tears. I pulled him aside and I asked him, "buddy, what's wrong?" "I really wanted to watch you paint..." he replied. When I asked him way he said "I think if Jesus told you to paint, you should paint." How could I say no to that? Out of the mouths of babes, comes the voice of the almighty. So I painted one of the Sand dollars I brought back from South Carolina many years ago. With my children huddled around, I painted a sunset over the ocean.
Why do I paint, I mean really? I don't know. I think partly it's a mystery he will unravel for me at a later time. All I know for sure, is that it is for Him, and I enjoy it.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
What gives value
Let's say I have two violins. The first way is made by Crescent Company. The second one is made by some "dead guy" named Anontio Stradivari . Which one is worth more? The one made by Stradivari of course, you exclaim. But, why? Because of WHO made the violin. The maker is what gives it value. It's the same with us. We are priceless, one of kind works of art because of WHO made us. We are the work of His hands, the fruit of His labor. We have undeniable value because the living God created us. It was not an assembly line creation, but that of a craftsman, delicately and precisely crafting each one of in His image.